Till There Was Me

I am going to leave a mark. If It's to be, it's up to me.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


It’s 5:30 am and I just listened to the radio announcement. At times like this, I always find myself reflecting on the same thoughts over and over again. I feel really guilty at times as I wait for the declaration: “Signal no. 2, no classes for all levels in Metro Manila”. Finally, the radio host announced it. Woohoo! Jump for joy! But, like a child who suddenly had his lollipop taken by his mom because "candy's bad for his teeth,” I quickly recoiled to my seat. How selfish can I get? I think it was over three years ago, when a big storm hit Metro Manila, that I particularly felt guilty for wishing that classes would be suspended. Classes did get suspended and as I hurried back to my waiting car, the only problem that I had was how to get to it without getting my slippers wet. I stared at the big drops on my car’s window. But the drops weren’t only what I saw. I pitied the peanuts vendor who was covered in plastic to shield himself from the raging rain. Gosh! He would still sell peanuts even with the strong wind! Of course, I thought, or he would have nothing to bring home to his family that night. That day, I knew, was going to be hard for him. I don’t think people would stop to buy some of his peanuts because everyone’s too busy to hurry back home. I also saw ordinary people who had to hurry to get to their jeepneys so they could get to work on time. I imagined myself running in the rain with others and competing for jeepney seats. That would have been hard. I thought to myself, “Can I wish to take back my wish?”

This growing realization definitely had me thanking God for everything I have. I kept whining to my mom that she should get me a laptop, or a new mobile phone, while others barely eat three times a day. Well, I could say, “I can’t do anything. I can’t will the rain to stop.” Right? Wrong! We can all help in our own little ways. For starters, I’d stop complaining about getting a new computer. I guess I’d be a lot, um, for the lack of a better term, happier and contented.

Later, when Yoyong, the super typhoon strikes his massive blows, I’ll tell you where you could find me: behind my room’s window starting at the big drops of water, thinking of the same thoughts over and over again (that this Christmas, there'll probably be a lot of empty tables)...

…while doing a paper in ITM. Nyahaha! :)


At 11:16 AM, Blogger alicia said...

Such thoughts are actually what I'm trying to ponder on too... the indifferent me is actually really thankful for the "breather". Pero sobrang don't really know what to feel when I turn on the tv with the news on how much lives are ruined because of those typhoons.

Hayy! Finally! Nagupdate na! ;p


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